Hi y’all!

Welcome to Steph Seeking Joy, the blog behind Stephanie Shaul Events – I’m thrilled you stopped by!

I’m Stephanie, a wedding planner, designer, stylist, and joyful wife, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, and encourager in Raleigh, North Carolina. Among many things, I adore weddings and love, traveling and adventures, reading great books, picnics and dinner parties, serving others, genuine community, joyfully celebrating the big and little moments, front porches, and being continually inspired by beauty and joy in life.

Designing and celebrating extraordinary moments, surrounding myself and appreciating beauty, seeking after joy, cultivating an intentional and meaningful life… these things are the heartbeat of my life. I love being creative and thrive when I get to interact with people and work with my hands. Setting a dinner table, taking an ordinary moment and making it magical and memorable, finding little ways to bring more beauty into this chaotic world, gathering with loved ones, lovingly cooking or baking a recipe, devouring an incredible novel, collecting sweet treasures and trinkets, appreciating the majesty of nature and the changing seasons, being a joyful wife, aunt, sister, daughter, friend, and neighbor… these things (and more!) make my heart so very full!

I unapologetically love celebrating life’s milestones, finding and creating meaning and beauty in the everyday, and bringing inspiring love stories to life. I’m able to use the talents and passions the Lord has blessed me with to serve others wisely and generously, to spread as much love, joy, and beauty as possible, and to celebrate life, love, and marriage. Thank you for being here; please say hi! 

Find me on: LIKEtoKNOW.it + my Amazon shop + Goodreads + Pinterest + Instagram + Facebook

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